
Geothermal power is it

  • Proven Technology - Iceland and New Zealand have used it for decades.
  • Widely Available - Shallow "hot spots" in the crust are located all over the globe. India, China, Russia, Europe, North America (and more) - all have "hot spots" that can be exploited for power.
  • Zero carbon emissions - It's just water being emptied down one pipe, going into the earth's crust, turning into steam, exiting out another pipe, turning a turbine, cooling down again, and then emptied down the inlet pipe again.
  • Localised - a nation's electricity can be sourced within its own borders or from neighbours.
  • Inexpensive - over the long term. The initial building phase is very expensive (drilling down a few kilometres, arranging the pipes etc) but, once the infrastructure is built, it is cheap to maintain.
  • Plentiful - the potential amount of electricity available to be exploited is several magnitudes greater than current demand. If demand = 1, potential supply = 1000+.
  • Self-replenishing - while "hot spots" eventually begin to cool when used for geothermal power purposes, they are replenished by the heat of the earth's core. Shutting down a geothermal plant for a few years may be all that is needed to heat up the "hot spot" again.
  • Zero pollution - no particulates like coal power, no radioactive wastes like nuclear power, no "visual pollution" like wind turbines. The power plant could even be built totally underground, thus preserving anything important on the surface.
  • Simple and reliable - the technology needed to build the power plant and to keep it running has been available for more than 50 years.
  • Replaces oil - electric vehicles can be charged with electrical power sourced from geothermal. Electric trains can replace diesel ones. This completely negates 99% of the demand for oil.

1 comment:

Liux Phi said...

Crazy Nurse Steals The Secret That Big Energy Companies Wanted Buried (SHOCKING)

There are a few simple people that deserve the Medal Of Honor even though they were not in the army... or shared blood on the battle ground.

I'm talking about people like this "CRAZY" nurse who discovered one of the biggest secrets of the mankind... and preferred to share it to community instead of getting millions of dollars for keeping it secret. We're talking about a secret plan that can produce free energy: 

>> Watch And Cry (Click Here)

It's the same device that was used with great success by the US navy to propel their ships for millions of miles... without any fuel... and that big energy fat cats almost started another war for… just to hide it from the public.

>> Here's The Proof <<

For them it would have meant billions of dollars lost... money that you, I and the rest of the Americans paid for tens of years as electricity bills.

TV’s don't want to talk about it (although they may already know about all the info I'm sharing with you today)... politicians are busy with the North Korea situation... and you're lead to believe that it's normal to pay hundreds of dollars every single month for electricity... when all this time you would have gotten it for free.

Here's what is all about:

>> The Video That Will Change Your Life <<

Say a prayer, kiss your loved ones because from today you're entering into a new world. A world of free energy.

P.S. More than 80,173 people have already watched the video...and I'm receiving tens of emails everyday telling me how they are slashing their power bills... in less than 30 days.

>> Click Here To Find Out What It Is About <<