It has been reported that the Pacific island of Tonga has recorded a 10cm rise in sea levels in the past 13 years.
We Christians need to resist the use of scientific instrumentation to make such spurious claims. These instruments were created by unbelievers who think nothing of honouring God, and of putting forward so called "facts" that fit their atheistic, evolutionary, secular, humanistic, satanistic, communistic preconceptions.
Every objective and reasonable person knows that "Global Warming" is just a theory, and that there are ample amounts of evidence that shoot holes through the mangled plastic bag that holds the putrid, polluted water of the theory in place. These so called "theorists" (a radical and activist minority within the world community) actually argue that if all the ice caps melt, all the dry land in the entire world will be covered by water!
We need to remember that, as Christians, God is in control over the creation, and has promised that another world-wide flood will not occur! (Genesis 9:15) More than that, cursory study by reputable scientists indicate that, even if all the ice caps and ice sheets melt, there would never be enough water to cover all dry land on the earth! Yet another blow to these global warming theorists.
(By the way - did anyone ever see that film Waterworld with Kevin Costner? That was funded partly by organisations with ties to the global warming community)
Can we trust these people, these "envronmentalists", to make rational decisions for us? I think not. I have nothing against clean air and water, controlled growth, and organic farming. I'm all for good stewardship of God's creation. But the close association of environmentalism with unrepentant socialism and paganism is a stench in my nostrils. In my heart I'd rather burn the planet down than hand it over to such ruffians.
From the Department of Attempted Humour and Biting Satire.
© 2006 Neil McKenzie Cameron,
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