
Some Abortion facts - Germany vs America

  • In 1996, the average American woman in child-bearing years had 0.69 abortions. This means that if you get 100 women together at random, 69 of them would have had an abortion. Source.
  • In 1996, the average German woman in child-bearing years had 0.23 abortions. Gather together 100 women and 23 of them would have had an abortion. Source.
  • US abortion rates suddenly dropped between 1994 and 1995 and have remained at that lower level since then. Source.
  • 17% of Americans have an income 50% of the median wage or lower. Source UNHDR (pdf, 12mb).
  • 8.4% of Germans have an income 50% of the median wage or lower. Source: UNHDR.
  • The US fertility rate is 2.0 children per woman. Source: UNHDR
  • The German fertility rate is 1.3 children per woman. Source: UNHDR.
  • Both the US and Germany have a contraceptive prevalence rate of 75 or 75%. Source: UNHDR.
  • In 2004, America's abortion rate was 16, down from 21 in 1996. Source: CDC.


  1. Here in the US we had 'welfare reform' around 1996 and that may have caused the drop in abortions. I also know that getting our health program for the poor to stop paying for abortions has been a major cause among the religious right.

    Here is an article showing the ethnic, racial and class breakdown among those seeking an abortion in the United States:

    If you scroll down past the text of the article you will see a link marked "see chart" that will show you the information graphically.

  2. I forgot to check the box marked 'email follow-up comments.'
