
July 2010 US CPI

Update 12.58 UTC / 08.58 EST:

Historic Inflation index numbers are here at the St Louis Fed. They haven't added today's figures yet.

Download today's release here.

Update 12.52 UTC / 08.52 EST:

Energy has increased from 199.059 to 204.195 over the past month (page 12 of 19). That means a lot of the inflation has been due to higher oil prices. Indeed, the report says:

The energy index posted its first increase since January and accounted for over two thirds of the seasonally adjusted all items increase.

That's actually NOT a good thing, because it means that most of the inflation has been due to oil price fluctuations and NOT due to an increase in demand.

Update 12.42 UTC / 08.42 EST:

This means that real interest rates have remained more or less stable over the past six months. July real interest rates were 1.70% (10 year bond rate minus annual inflation).

Update 12.36 UTC/08.36 EST: The number is 217.897, which is an increase.

Annualised, the rate is inflation of 3.70%
Year on year, the rate is 1.31%

This is the largest monthly price boost since August 2009.


Just a reminder that CPI figures come out in the next 45 minutes.

If the CPI figures show a monthly decrease, it will be four months in a row of a decreasing CPI. That has not happened since October 1954.

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