
2010 Q2 GDP

Update 14.20 UTC / 10.20 EST

Markets are down but not drastically. Enough of my hyperbolic ranting. I'm going to bed; it's 20 past midnight here in Australia.

Update 13.46 UTC / 09.46 EST

What are the odds of the DJIA dropping below 10,000 today? That would be a 4%+ drop. Let's see how bad the markets get over the next 30 minutes.

Update 13.37 UTC / 09.37 EST

Update 13.22 UTC / 09.22 EST

Update 13.13 UTC / 09.13 UTC

  • The Main driver of Q2 2010 GDP appears to be Gross private domestic investment (pg 23 of 37). The increase is about 25% annualized.

Update 13.04 UTC / 09.04 EST

  • Big increase in government spending obviously helped. 4.4% more than Q2 2009 (pg 11 of 37)
  • Federal Government increase was 9.2% more. (pg 11 of 37)
  • State and Local Government spending increased only a small amount, but this was after a series of decreases in previous quarters. (pg 11 of 37)
  • Big Jump in Imports during Q2 - 28.8%. Exports decreased slightly - 10.3% (pg 11 of 37)

Update 12.55 UTC / 08:55 EST
  • Big jump in personal savings rate, from 5.5% of disposable personal income last quarter to 6.2% this quarter (pg 28 of 37).
  • Drop in Motor Vehicle sales was -0.5% less than the previous quarter (pg 36 of 37)
  • Big increase in building structures I think, +14.4% more than the proceeding period and the first increase since Q2 2007

Update 12.46 UTC / 08:46 EST

Official Advance Result
  • 0.6% ¼ to ¼
  • 2.4% annualized
  • 2.8% annual
Download BEA release here.

This is lower than the Bloomberg Median but obviously higher than mine.

Update 12:40 UTC / 08:40 EST

Trying to fix the numbers here to make sense of it all. I'll comment soon.

Update 12:00 UTC / 08:00 EST

Bloomberg survey results:

Bloomberg Low Forecast
  • +0.3% ¼ to ¼
  • +1.0% annualized
  • +2.3% annual
Bloomberg Median Forecast
  • +0.7% ¼ to ¼
  • +2.6% annualized
  • +2.7% annual
Bloomberg High Forecast
  • 1.0% ¼ to ¼
  • 4.0% annualized
  • 3.1% annual

The time is 10:35 UTC. The US GDP advance figures will be released at 12.35 UTC. I am expecting GDP to rise but only quite slowly.

The upper limit will be the following:
  • +0.2% ¼ to ¼
  • +0.6% ¼ annualized
  • +2.2% annual

The lower limit will be the following:
  • +0.0% ¼ to ¼
  • +0.2% annualized
  • +2.1% annual
I will live blog the release. Let's see what happens.

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