

  1. Does Hitler have a beard in that photo?

  2. He could do. Actually he looks like John Cleese.

    How's your wife?

  3. No - I zoomed - No beard but his hair looks awful - too much brylcream

    Sadly he never needed an Applause sign - the mob cheered whatever

  4. Here he is at his worst

    YouTube - Adolf Hitler - Closing Ceremony - Triumph of the Will

    Shows Hess at the start but does not have Hess over the top intro

    And then this has subtitles and his original SLOW mumbling opening
    YouTube - Hitler - Mein Kampf (documentary) First speech as chancelor.

  5. She's doing better, much thanks. She came home today about 6:30 pm. That was a scary episode.

    She will be on warfarin therapy for some time and must refrain from strenuous activity for several weeks.

    How did you find out, from Uneducated Housewife? I tried emailing you but I discovered I may have used an out of date address.

  6. Very pleased to hear Uneducated is improved. They tried me on warfarin but it made me have more clots as I have a funny blood condition which the problem helped diagnose - so I am on daily injection of clexane a heparin. Which is good as Warfarin needs careful monitoring to get the does correct.

  7. Ron - Thanks for your good wishes. But it is Mrs. Beamer who is ill. It was Uneducated Housewife who anounced Mrs. Beamer's illness on her blog.

    Mrs. Beamer has Factor V Leiden. Despite what Wikipedia says, I don't know if I would call it a disorder - it's a genetic condition and everyone knows Mrs. Beamer is perfect genetically.
