

Like most liberal morons you hide under a cloak. Very reminiscent of the Klan. It's quite clear that your greatest desire is to become a man. Although I'm quite sure you've become quite proficient at chomping. Here's a kind warning. A great churning has begun. Molton lava is slowly, slowly working it's way to the surface. Since you have no God, I'm afraid you must "abandon all hope". Nothing can stop what will occur and the only ones to blame are those of your ilk. May God have mercy on your miserable soul.


I am in a economy proof business, my parents have money, and I will NOT SUFFER. We have one year of food PLUS, we have our gardens, we have our weapons, our bullets, our network. We are prepared.

That being said, I CANNOT WAIT for the suffering to begin. I hope there is starvation, I hope there is rioting, and i hope that there is massive death…

WHY you ask? Because the spoiled rotten ingorant masses need to realize TRULY what they have done…and it appears (and MURPHY you are in my mind sometimes) from the SECOND election of GW that they learn REALLY REALLY SLOWLY…

This man and his team are so dangerous for not only america, but the world, I can only hope that tremendous suffering will UP the learning curve so perhaps we can save ourselves…
The question is, are these comments representative of a wider viewpoint, or are they merely a tiny yet vocal minority?

And who should pop up during the comments about these comments? Noni:
"Don't confuse me with the facts..." used to be a joke, for God's sake. Now it's a way of life.


  1. The world is a big place and accessible thanks to the internet. Beside all the random ranting such as you link to here, a couple of the grownups are closing in on what's actually going down.

    I heard about the first in a radio promotion around suppertime this evening. Margaret Atwood is doing the 2008 Massey Lectures on Debt, of all things. Noni and I can pick this off the airways, and it's available to all via streaming audio. Noni should especially appreciate the chance to hear what one of the world's leading authors and poets thinks about the credit crisis.

    The second came via one of our Doomish informants. It's a tremendously important comparison of today's current events with the Panic of 1873. It's evident that George W Bush / Obama is turning into a 21st Century re-hash of the Grant administration. Who knew? Not often you get anything important about this stuff out of the Chronicle of Higher Education!

  2. I'm planning to record the Massey's this year. Just looking back at the site and marveling at the star lineup they've had since 1961 -- there's a list here http://www.cbc.ca/ideas/massey/chronology.html

    Just in the ten years from 61 to 70, they featured:
    The Rich Nations and the Poor Nations
    Barbara Ward Jackson

    The Educated Imagination
    Northrop Frye

    The Image of Confederation
    Frank Underhill

    The Real World of Democracy
    C. B. Macpherson

    The Underdeveloped Country
    John Kenneth Galbraith

    The Moral Ambiguity of America
    Paul Goodman

    Conscience for Change
    Martin Luther King Jr.

    The Politics of the Family
    R. D. Laing

    Time as History
    George Grant

    Therefore Choose Life
    George Wald
    The parent show, Ideas, is extraordinarily rich also, and can be heard on streaming audio five nights a week.


    Proud? You bet!


  3. Hi Noni,

    I'm a great fan of Grant, and his protegé Dennis Lee, who helped him found Anansi. I once shared an office with a young (compared to me) guy who grew up in the 1980s in the house directly in back of where the Grants lived when they retired back to Halifax. Between him and one of their kids they re-built the boundary fence one summer.

    He reported that every once in a while George and Sheila would get in their cups after dinner and get into crockery-throwing screaming matches. He didn't have the foggiest idea who Grant actually was. I think I tried to explain how he was Canada's most important 20th Century religious philosopher, and that he helped popularize the works of Martin Heidegger and Simon Weil to a North American audience (always think of that pair as "The Blind Date from Hell"). Not sure if my office-mate knew who either of them were.

    Frye gets on my nerves. Nobody who hates math that much should invent a diagrammatic machine for generating English M.A. theses. That being said, his remarks on Bacon's "Idols of the Theatre" have been haunting me for several years now, and form some of the foundations for a whole theory on life-the-universe-&-everything I'm constructing.

    Still, Ivan Illich is likely the most important thinker Ideas ever exposed, at least for me ;-)

  4. I enjoy Frye, but then I never was subject to the stresses of thesis making. My book group just finished reading his essays on Milton, some of which I found interesting and useful, some of which I still don't grasp.

    The Massey's first lit a great big light bulb in my head in 94 or 95? when John Ralston Saul presented "The Unconscious Civilization". I have followed them since then.


  5. I didn't like Saul's work very much, but you've got to hand it to him he was a good sport sitting around supporting his wife's work all those years (and I do mean sitting!)
