
Questions about Palin's faith

This is an interesting video. It goes for nine minutes and is a montage of some of the beliefs and practices of Palin's Alaska church.

After watching it I am not convinced that Sarah Palin has the same sort of beliefs as those depicted. I would much rather hear from Sarah Palin herself what she believes rather than associate her with the theological mess displayed in that video.

Nevertheless, it needs to be pointed out that if Barack Obama's character is questionable because of his relationship with Jeremiah Wright, then Sarah Palin's character should come under the spotlight as well because of what her church believes.


  1. I read that Palin has not attended that AOG church in years. If I remember right, she said she attends a more traditional nondenominational Bible church, but I would also like to hear what she believes.

  2. "Palin was originally baptized as a Roman Catholic, but her parents switched to the Wasilla Assembly of God, a Pentecostal church, where she was rebaptized at age 12 or 13, and attended under pastor Ed Kalnins until 2002. [LA Times, AP]

    When she is in Juneau, she attends Juneau Christian Center,[JCC statement] another Assemblies of God church. Her current home church in Wasilla is The Wasilla Bible Church, an independent congregation.[WBC FAQ][Newsweek] "

    She's been with the WAG or the WBC for thirty-some years, since her early teens. Especially in a small centre, I don't see how this cannot have formed a lot of her thought.


  3. Interesting. I need to look into this a bit more and will get back to you. I actually attended a mother's group in the home of someone that is in this clip... years ago in southern California.

  4. What worries me more are the broad beliefs of the general section within which Ms Palin has moved: It seems to be the Left Behind-crowd, with a good dose of Dobson added to it. I'm not sure, but these folks could be quite harmful when it comes to issues outside of the US - things that will affect us. Especially their policy regarding the Middle East, as well as the approach they'll take to Russia.

  5. If one is concerned about the broad beliefs of the general section within which Ms. Palin has moved, then one should also acquaint themselves with the broad beliefs of the general section within which Barack Obama has moved. Not pretty.

    I am more concerned about the actual beliefs each candidate personally holds. It is unfair to rule in or out a candidate strictly because of the opinions held by some of those with whom they associate.

  6. The Scylding said...

    What worries me more are the broad beliefs of the general section within which Ms Palin has moved: It seems to be the Left Behind-crowd

    The Left Behind crowd really make me ashamed to be a Christian sometimes. When they tell me that we shouldn't do anything about peak oil or global warming because "the earth's only got 'bout 7 years beefor the Yunited Nashuns take over the world and Barrack Obama is instaylled as the antI-Christ, so I say "Fill up the Hummer and go on a dryve""...

    I squirm. I really wince.

    And that's just their environmental outlook. The stuff they might do in the Middle East is truly frightening.
