
Not a Photoshop


  1. Its all been Olympics here and I have missed keeping up to date on Reality with FOX.

    I am still trying to get the right pronunciation of Obama Biden but it sure looks like himself.

    I thought the supersizeme man had found him but now he turns up again..

    BTW did Fox answer their question.

    Such headlines always remind me of the mad solo yacht man Sir Francis Chichester. He was crossing the Southern Ocean and was it the Sydney version of the Mirror or the Tele which had "Chichester capsized?" - well he hadn't but he might have done -a ? allows a lot of largesse

  2. Beamer
    World's Handsomest Man?

  3. One Salient Oversight
    World's most impartial blog?


    I have been enjoying the DNCC.
    Hillary and Bill were so glowing in their support of BO.

    and I hear Obama will be speaking from a specially designed Greek temple. Not sure why - yes I was watching Fox - they always cover important angles.
