
The power of lies

From the department of ignorance and arrogance:
Ten percent of American voters believe Sen. Barack Obama is Muslim, despite the presidential candidate's frequent descriptions of his Christian faith and a high-profile flap over his former pastor.

The finding was contained in survey results released by the non-partisan Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.

While a majority — 53% — identify Obama as a Christian, 16% of conservative Republicans, 16% of white evangelical Protestants and 19% of rural Americans believe the Illinois senator is Muslim.

About a third of Americans said they don't know what Obama's religious beliefs are, and 9% of that group said it's because they've heard different information about his faith.

Confusion over the candidate's religion crosses party lines.

Fourteen percent of all Republicans, 10% of Democrats and 8% of independents think he's Muslim, according to the survey.


  1. This is incredible. I wish Hillary Clinton's campaign had never originated that lie.

  2. Actually, she said he's not a Muslim...as far as she knows.
