
Scientology Protests - Pictures

What's the bet that this protest will increase interest in the film V for Vendetta? It is so cool that they are all wearing those Guy Fawkes masks, just like at the end of the film.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. dave lankshear all i can say is not your personal army and gtfo of my interwebz

  3. Hmm, if it is who I think it is...

    I TRIED to leave SPO but you kept phoning me drunk-as-a-skunk and pleading to get me involved again!

    Seriously, I'm worried about your health. Get some help. Do AA or whatever it takes, you'll feel a lot better. And have lots of Vitamin B tablets, because **serious** quantities of alcohol eventually drain your body and you end up with a vitamin B deficiency.
