
Sorry Day coming up

From the department of it's-a-good-beginning:
The Federal Government has set the date for a formal apology to the members of the Stolen Generation.

The apology will be the first item of business for the new Federal Parliament.

It will be delivered by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on February 13.

Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin says the apology is on behalf of the Australian Government and will not be attributing guilt to the current generation of Australians.

Ms Macklin says the content of the apology is still subject to widespread consultation, but she says it will form a necessary step to move forward.

A traditional Welcome to Country will be held as part of the Parliament's opening ceremony by members of the Ngunnawal people.
It will be interesting to hear what Rudd has to say. I'm hoping that his "formal apology" is neither trite nor overbearing, but simple, heartfelt and to the point. Obviously, though, I am hoping for actual, measurable changes rather than just mere words - but at least it's a start.

Indigenous Australians are this country's poorest people. How they fare under the Rudd government over the next few years will help define whether this new government is a success or a failure in the eyes of history. After 11 years of Coalition rule, history will not be kind to John Howard when it comes to his dealings with Aboriginal people.

1 comment:

  1. I feel mostly sadness for what we have lost from the culture of Aboriginal people. I write about Nourishment in all her forms and consider the lifestyle of the original people of this land to be the most Nourishing I've ever encountered. Here is a story about my experience with Aboriginal Australia. Love to hear your thoughts.
    Friendship Starts with Sorry
