
Shaun Tait quits cricket

From the department of what-the:
Australian fast bowler Shaun Tait has quit cricket indefinitely, citing emotional and physical exhaustion.

Tait said his love for the game had diminished and he would not play cricket at any level for an indefinite period. "This is a very difficult situation for me to be in at this time," Tait said today in a statement.

"This is not an overnight decision but something that I've been struggling with for sometime.

"A break from professional cricket will hopefully give me a clear mind and a chance for my body to rest and recover.

"My love and enjoyment of the game is struggling due to these issues and if I continue to go on, it will be unfair on my team mates and support staff of both the Australian and South Australian cricket teams - and most importantly my family and close friends."

The World Cup star struggled in his one Test appearance of the summer - the third Test against India in Perth - after a long battle to regain fitness following elbow surgery.
I wouldn't be surprised if the guy has depression, just like Marcus Trescothick. I hope someone can convince him that people with depression can still be successful professional sports people.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you're right about the depression. But maybe being a full-time professional cricketer just isn't for him (depression or not). People just assume that because you *are* talented at something (eg playing cricket or operatic performance or whatever) that you *should* be doing it professionally. That is a non-sequitur. There are things I am good at but would never consider doing on a full time professional basis because I don't want to spend the majority of my waking hours doing those things.

    If a talented cricketer like Shaun Tait has discovered that despite his obvious sporting abilities he doesn't get enjoyment from his life as a professional sportsman and that he'd rather be doing something else with his life then, as the Americans say, kudos to him.
