
Prayer Request from Beamer

My wife took a fall this afternoon. We were out for a walk, and she slipped on a patch of ice that was in the shade. She is bruised and sore, and she seems to have wrenched her back. She is uncomfortably resting at home now.

Could I ask for prayer? Please pray that there is no serious injury, and that she will recover quickly.
If you're reading this, pray this:

Dear Heavenly Father,

We pray for Beamer's wife, Mrs B. We ask that, in this time of pain and injury, you will help her to heal. We pray for the nurses, doctors and other health workers who may be assisting her, that you give them compassion, professionalism and knowledge as they deal with her condition. We pray that the injury not be serious, and that she will heal quickly. In all things we pray that both Beamer and his wife continue to trust in your all-powerful nature, that they may accept whatever befall and use this experience to grow closer to You, God.


(Beamer is one of my American readers who hails from Washington (the state) and who regularly comments on this blog)


  1. UPDATE: Thank you for your prayers. I thought you might like an update on my wife's condition.

    Over night, it snowed. For some reason, Western Washingtonians appear to be incapable of adjusting to this annual weather phenomenon. Due to the number of wrecked and abandoned cars, the highway we have to take to the doctor was closed this morning. We therefore cancelled the doctor's appointment.

    However, I was able to work from home so my wife was able to rest and this afternoon she said she was starting to feel better. There appear to be no broken bones, just bumps and bruises, thank God.

    The Lord is good and we thank Him for his care and blessings, among which we include our friends in Australia. Your prayers provided much comfort.

    God bless you all.
