
Nice November

After spending much of October complaining about the hot weather, I feel compelled to point out that November was 1 degree cooler, and had only one day which exceeded 30° C (86° F). On average 5.2 days in November get above 30.

Which means of course that Global Warming has been disproved. ;)


  1. They knew there would be smarties like you so they changed the name to
    "climate change".

    How come they are having this conference in Bali? Many people's ideal holiday destination.

  2. I'm glad you are having nice weather. It could be worse. You could live where I do.

  3. 10.78 inches of rain = 274mm.
    That's a LOT of rain. That's about a quarter of our yearly average rainfall here in Newcastle.

    What's the temperature been like?

  4. How come they are having this conference in Bali? Many people's ideal holiday destination.

    I guess they wanted to go there before it went underwater...

  5. If "soon" underwater island was aim then why not the Maldives!!!
    Absolutely bucketing it down today.

    Friday we are off for 10 days down the coast to Narooma for the seafood. Stayed there one time a place with view of Montague Island - could not see it due rain. Perhaps lucky this time.

    BL - we were in your area in 1989. Stayed at Portland and then through Eugene to Roseberg. Visited real timber wood and fired a John Wayne Winchester at Dead Trees. Lovely State. But this time of the year I may avoid.
    Almost summer here and November is often our hottest month.

  6. Neil - The temperature has been warmer than normal. Today was about 13 C. Ordinarily it is about 8 degrees. The day of the storm it went up to 15 C, which is a record for this date. This is the so-called "Pineapple Express" which flies in from Hawaii every year about this time, but not usually with so much rain.

    Ron - Oregon is a beautiful state. I happen to like Roseburg, it is a nice area. Did you make it down to Ashland for any Shakespeare?

    Eugene is the home of the University of Oregon. Being as how I'm a Washington graduate, I try to give Eugene a miss. Appalling ignorance down there.
