
My Brother

This is Bob. He's 48 and left Australia and now lives in Texas. Of all the places he had to go to...

Oh and that's his wife, Sally, who is a citizen of the Republic of Texas.


  1. Welcome to God's Country, Bob. You could have done better than Texas, but it was a rookie mistake.

    Go Huskies!

  2. Bob's been over there for a few years now.

    You should pop over and visit him...

  3. Texas is a big place and far from Washington. What city does he live in?

  4. He lives in Longview.

    Actually the reason I said "you should pop over and visit him" was actually a joke. Many years ago I worked with a British immigrant who had lived in Australia for some years. He told me this story of some friends in the UK who said that a relative of theirs lived in Perth and encouraged him to "pop over and visit him". Of course this Brit lived in Sydney, and the distance between Sydney and Perth is quite a few thousand kilometres with a lot of unpopulated desert in between.

    "They told me to just 'pop over' to Perth" he laughed.

  5. I suspected it was a joke. My employer is a very large company with >100k employees with sites all over the country. I can't count the number of times I have met people who , upon finding out where I work, say "I know someone who works there. Their name is X. Do you know them?"
