

A two-year-old boy has died of a heart attack, caused by croup, shortly after arriving in Sydney on an international flight from Thailand, police say.

An ambulance spokesman said the boy had croup, a respiratory disease that leads to continued coughing that affects toddlers.

The boy fell ill during a Thai Airways flight from Bangkok, which landed about 9.30pm yesterday.

An ambulance was called at 9.35pm and arrived at 9.41pm, a spokesman said.

The boy was taken to Sydney Children's Hospital at Randwick and later died.

A spokeswoman for the hospital said he was "pretty close to death" when he arrived.

The boy's family are not Australian citizens but are living here, a spokeswoman for the Swedish embassy in Canberra said. - SMH
Aiden has had croup on a number of occasions. It's a very distressing condition. To have your kid die of it would be horrendous.

Why Creepy? Last night Aiden woke us up with croup. We had some steroids so he was okay after a while.

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