
Is News Corp trying to keep Malcolm Turnbull in power?

From the department of more evidence against Rupert Murdoch?:
Award winning journalist Caroline Overington hurled abuse at Labor candidate for Wentworth George Newhouse before slapping him across the face at a polling station in Sydney's east, witnesses say.

Ms Overington, a Gold Walkley winning reporter who works for The Australian newspaper, has been embroiled in a dispute involving a series of emails to independent candidate Dani Ecuyer urging her to preference Wentworth Liberal MP Malcolm Turnbull.

Ms Ecuyer is the ex-girlfriend of Mr Newhouse.

Ms Overington also sent a series of flirtatious emails to Mr Newhouse, which were then published in rival papers.

Polling booth attendants and voters were shocked to see Ms Overington stride up to Mr Newhouse, strike him across the face and then walk away, those who saw the incident told AAP.

One witness at the Bellevue Hill Public school polling booth said Ms Overington yelled abuse and appeared furious.
To summarise: a well-known journalist from The Australian, a News Corporation entity, was trying to influence preferential voting in an electorate in order to favour Liberal Party minister Malcolm Turnbull. As part of her work, she sent some flirty emails to Turnbull's political opponent in the electorate. What happened in the shadows no one knows, but at some point Overingham got angry enough that when she saw him at the polling station she had to walk up to him and slap him in the face.

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