
How is this good business practice?

From the department of flying-high:
British Airways has been flying airliners from Britain to North America this month without a single passenger aboard because of a cabin crew shortage, the airline said on Wednesday.

One environmental group sharply criticised the "phantom" BA flights, saying they indicate once again how indifferent the aviation sector can be to the world's battle against global warming.

Since November 1, about one BA flight a day from Britain to the United States or Canada has left Heathrow or Gatwick airport carrying only pilots and cargo because of a cabin crew shortage, BA spokesman Tony Cane said.

The empty flights allowed BA to pick up passengers in North America who have reservations to fly to Britain, he said.
I find this absolutely incredible. I read just the other day about airlines in the US who are using lighter tea-trolleys for their cabin crew to use in order to save a few million dollars on fuel costs. Flying empty passenger jets half-way around the world is not my idea of conserving energy. It's not my idea of good business practice either.


  1. Sounds wasteful but:

    What kind of airplane was flown?

    The photo shows a Boeing 747. If it was a more efficient two-engine plane, why did they to show a large plane in the photo?

    Had BA contracted with the cargo owners to deliver by a certain date and time?

    If so, were no alternatives available?

    Had the money been paid up front to ensure such delivery?

    The article mentions the possibility of losing a slot if the flights didn't occur. I don't know about in the UK, but I would guess airports there are controlled or owned by government just as in the US. Is there a counter-productive law or government policy causing these passenger-less flights?

    What is the risk to BA's operating or financial interests if they were to lose a slot?

    Does the revenue lost by not flying the cargo outweigh the cost of flying the passenger-less jet to the US?

    How would the passengers in the US have gotten to the UK if BA did not send a plane for them?

    Are labor union-negotiated rules involved somehow?

    The article does not answer any of these questions so it is impossible to draw a conclusion from this article. An enterprising journalist (pun intended) would include these facts in his story to allow us to do so.

  2. IT is really nice to see an Indian cricketer being a christian .
    That too not only christian but a good person of faith.
    People should appreciate rather than critisicing.
