
Repo Man

Repo Man Quotes:

Miller: The life of a repo man is always intense.


Leila: Otto, don't go. What about our relationship?
Otto: What?
Leila: What about our relationship?
Otto: F*** that.
Leila: You s***head! I'm glad I tortured you!


Sheriff: What could have done that to him? Gasoline? Napalm?
Agent Rogersz: It happens sometimes. People just explode. Natural causes.


Reverend Larry on the TV: The lord has told me personally. Yay for I walk with the lord, Amen. He said Larry you and your flock shall seek the promise land. But only if you first destroy the twin evils of godless communism abroad and liberal humanism at home. Oh joy and Hallelujah smash 'em down.


Bud: Hey! Hey look at that. Look at those a******s (that) over there.
(We see a group of people around a tow truck with a car being hooked up to it.)
Bud: Ordinary f***ing people I hate 'em.
Otto: Me too.
Bud: What do you know? See an ordinary person spend his life avoiding tense situations. Repoman spends his life getting into tense situations.


Bud: Credit is a sacred trust. It's what our free society is founded on. You think they give a damn about their bills in Russia? I said do you think they give a damn about their bills in Russia?
Otto: They don't pay bills in Russia. It's all free.
Bud: All free? Free my ass, what are you a f***ing commie? Huh?
Otto: No I ain't no commie.
Bud: Well you'd better not be I don't want any commies in my car.
Bud: No Christians either!


Voice from the Radio: Here's another weird one. Reports are coming in about apparent hail of ice cubes south of downtown. Scientist are at a loss to explain the freak showers of tiny cubes of ice.


Miller: Well where did all these people come from? hmmm? I'll tell you where. The future. Where did all these people disappear to? hmmm?
Otto: The past?
Miller: That's right and how did they get there?
Otto: How the f*** do I know?
Miller: Flying saucers. Which are really? Yeah you got it. Time machines. I think a lot about this kind of stuff. I do my best thinking on the bus. That how come I don't drive, see?
Otto: You don't even know how to drive.
Miller: I don't want to know how. I don't want to learn. See? The more you drive, the less intelligent you are.

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