
The Gay Wizard

From the department of forbidden-magic:
Harry Potter author JK Rowling has revealed that one of her characters, Hogwarts school headmaster Albus Dumbledore, is gay.

She made her revelation to a packed house in New York's Carnegie Hall on Friday, as part of her US book tour.

She took audience questions and was asked if Dumbledore found "true love".

"Dumbledore is gay," she said, adding he was smitten with rival Gellert Grindelwald, who he beat in a battle between good and bad wizards long ago.

The audience gasped, then applauded. "I would have told you earlier if I knew it would make you so happy," she said.
As someone who has yet to read the final Harry Potter Book, I am annoyed at the fact that PEOPLE TALK ABOUT DUMBLEDORE IN THE PRESENT TENSE!

1 comment:

  1. I did hear her say this. The idea of a purely fictional character (what's the phrase) "coming out" is simply ridiculous. And it was by a 3rd party as well so can we accept a posthumous (I assume you mean he died in the last book) revelation even if it is by the author. What axe is she grinding? The final book launch was so amusing - all those people in the Natural History Museum to hear her read the book. I could not understand how long that went for?

    Did this increase her wealth? What will the next writing venture be?
