
Euka the Cat

Some of you know that we have a cat named Euka. She came into our lives in 1997 when Anna and I were still living in Merrylands.

Well, sadly, I am going to the vet this morning to have her put down. She has had a very matted coat for a few weeks now and the vet diagnosed a tumour over the weekend that was pretty much inoperable and will eventually kill her. The tumour is in her jaw and has resulted in an infected tooth which is giving her pain and discomfort. She's also been bleeding from her mouth.

I had to break the news to the family. Lillian obviously doesn't understand (she's not even 2 yet) but Aiden became upset. The cat has been part of Aiden's life from the very beginning so her death will have an impact on him.

I thank God for the animals he created. Not only do some of them become our food, but some, like cats, become a part of our lives and make them more pleasurable. Euka was God's good gift to us, and I praise Him for her life.

Just back from the Vet. Euka went very peacefully. No struggle, no complaints. As soon as she was injected she relaxed and was gone within 30 seconds.

1 comment:

  1. That is sad. We do treasure our pets. They give us such devotion. Last year Becky our older dog had to fade away and the cat who adopted us from next door decided to move away. Gina now 14 is still giving us lots of love.
