
The Watercone

From the department of concepts-so-simple-that-they-shock-you:
The Watercone is an ingenious device that can take salty water and turn it into fresh water using only the power of the sun. The nice thing about this device is it is bone simple, uses the sun instead of fossil fuel, and is cheap to make and easy to use.

The Watercone is surprisingly a cone, that you place over a pan of salty water (or over a marsh, or any damp ground) leave it out in the sun, water evaporates, the condensation trickles down the side of the cone, at the end of the day you flip it over, remove the cap at the top and drink the water.
Just visit the link. Concepts this simple prove that humanity is too complex for its own good.

1 comment:

  1. It's pretty good, and so simple and probably cheap.

    But I wonder how it compares in volumes of water to this other solar plastic device that has a sloped array of black plastic pockets for the dirty water, and a continuous drip filter for the clean water? It looks designed around making the most of the solar heat coming in. The design is slightly more complex, and I like the fact that the watercone floats... but I'm wondering if the New Inventors one produces more in volume?

    Hey, the world's a big place, they should implement both in a big way. Now.

    This won the New Inventors episode... watch here.

    Their home page this design is also about killing bacteria...

    Working at an ambient temperature of 35°C, the water within the Solar Water Purifier is heated to more then 85°C, and this pasteurizing effect partially kills bacteria and pathogens dramatically reducing the risk of water borne diseases. Prolonged exposure to ultra violet light transmitted by the special glass cover completes the germ killing process....

    The Clean Water output for a 12x array system operating in Southern Australia can produce on average 30 - 40 litres of pure water at an ambient temperature of 35° C

    The home page shot looks like a bank of 12 Solar PV, but don't be worried, it's nothing that complex, just tilted black plastic trays.
