

Supermarket discount fuel vouchers 'a sham system'
The national body representing grocery retailers has told an inquiry the discount fuel vouchers offered by the major supermarket chains are being subsidised by higher grocery prices.

Their concerns were raised at an inquiry into the cost of unleaded petrol, being conducted by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).


  1. Blank!!
    M I call Ange. Linen. I find myself in yours blog, would have made it appeal to to read yours me written, mom I do not know the language. I know English scarcely.
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  2. First Hi Angela Lovely pictures on your blog.

    The discount vouchers have a strange impact. Enormous queues at the Woolies pumps on Epping Road. Sometimes difficult to get in the shop's parking area. And for what - 4c a litre - the saving buys a paddle pop not even a coffee.

    Back in January there was period of 10c a litre and well that was reasonable. February I did not realise it had stopped - lull the customer into false expectations. Dropped into one place presented voucher and got a $1.60 off - I was shocked BUT that place had a deal for a free Big Mac from mackers next door.

    I have done some market research surveys on questions re discount electicity etc from Woolies with various scenario options - a discount off the power bill - or 10c off petrol. Obviously the straight discount is preferable. Similar position on higher petrol discount depending on what you spend on groceries - 4c for $30 or 10c for $100. I'd prefer a 5% discount off the grocery bill.

    I suppose these various $1.60 to $2.00 that people save do add up to a major cost for the supermarkets which cost accountants could factor into the grocery prices. But I would guess there is also a significant cost in Advertising the discount.

    Daft World. I still usually but petrol at Mobil they are often cheaper anyway that the Coles or Woolies outlets

  3. More significant would be the fact that you have to BUY into the petrol business. Must be hard to make profit selling petrol. The main profit must be from the "groceries" the petrol station sell. Highly inflated prices.

    I was walking and very thirsty stopped to buy a small bottle in one station - it was around $2.50 BUT they had a special two big bottles for $3.00. That I could not comprehend.

    So I would guess that we are paying higher petrol prices as Cole and Woolies want to make money from the petrol business and are finding it difficult
