
Seven year old paralyzed boy has prayer answered!

From a very, very, very reliable newsource:
SAN FRANCISCO–For as long as he can remember, 7-year-old Timmy Yu has had one precious dream: From the bottom of his heart, he has hoped against hope that God would someday hear his prayer to walk again. Though many thought Timmy's heavenly plea would never be answered, his dream finally came true Monday, when the Lord personally responded to the wheelchair-bound boy's prayer with a resounding no.


  1. The ONION!!!!!!
    And when I click the link it says

    You are not authorized to access this page.

  2. That reminds me of a book I have; Chicken Poop for the Soul: Stories to Harden the Heart and Dampen the Spirit, by David Fisher. It might appeal to your sense of humour.
