
New Zealand's secret weapon

From the department of one-rule-for-me-another-rule-for-you:
Australian apple and pear growers say New Zealand will fail in its attempt to gain permission to export apples and pears to Australia.

New Zealand will ask the World Trade Organisation to overrule a decision to block its apple and pear sales here, because of the disease fireblight.

But the Chairman of the Australian apple and pear growers fire blight taskforce, John Corby, says fireblight will destroy the domestic industry.

"Bacteria will come in on the apples being imported into Australia," he said.

"This is a bacteria that essentially wipes out pear indutries and has a devastating effect on apple industries," he said.
Those horrible, horrible Kiwis! Threatening to Export their disease infested fruit to our pristine shores! What were they thinking?

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