
Is Howard always acting politically?

John Howard has "warned" the Iraqi Prime Minister:
Prime Minister John Howard has warned the Iraqi government that unless it makes faster progress towards resolving the country's political differences it faces the prospect of Australian and other Western troops withdrawing.

In a letter to his Iraqi counterpart Nouri al-Maliki, Mr Howard urges the Iraqi government to speed the sharing of oil wealth among all sections of the Iraqi community, including the minority Sunni population, The Weekend Australian newspaper reports.

Mr Howard warns that if the Iraqis fail to make progress, the public support for Australia's military deployment to Iraq may not be sustainable.
Of course someone like me will simply look at this "warning" as more of communication to Australians than to Iraq - ie Howard is trying to appear strong and defiant against the forces of evil blah blah blah.

It's sad when you distrust a politician enough to see everything they do as merely a political opportunity. It's even sadder when you realise that that's exactly what they are doing.


  1. I really trust Howard on everything he says and does, especially Global Warming! ;-)

  2. The Radio/TV Branch of the ALP


    has that the Election will be decided in Howard's seat.

    Last time he got in on the preferences of the Fred Nile's CDP.

    Still I did shake John's hand again last March at the State elections. Maxine never came over to the line of "How Do you vote". But she was wearing what looked like an expensive outfit.

    Roll on late November - we will see if the total Bennelong think like the 800 in the poll.

    This week Skynews

  3. I was saying This week shynews and it went and published!!! I am trying to master the Macbook keyboard

    Anyhow Sky Breaking news said - Sky PM coming on - they thought re the market crisis. BUT it was all about referendum etc re the Queensland local councils - purely in the national interest not political at all. Interesting months coming up
