
My sister is not well - please pray

We've been staying at my sister's for the past few days. She is not very well. I'm back at home with the kids but Anna has stayed behind. I can't reveal much, but please take 30 seconds or so to pray for her. If you want, here's a prayer for you to pray right now:

Dear God in Heaven,

Please be with Neil's sister. Help her in this time of pain and suffering. Help her to make godly choices and to remain steadfast. If it is your will, we pray that you take away this illness and never let it afflict her again. Speak your words of comfort and grace to her, and thank you for those who are working to help her in this time. We pray that you give all the doctors and nurses and other medical professionals wisdom and insight in treating her at this time. Keep her strong in her faith and focused upon the blessed hope of Christ. Amen.

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