
Supermajority of Americans want action on Global Warming

A supermajority is usually described as a 2-1 majority, where the majority is twice as big as the minority.

A poll this month in America resulted in 70% of respondents saying that the US government should do more to combat global warming.

52% of respondents said that the issue of global warming is either extremely important or very important to them personally.

20% want higher taxes on electricity prices to reduce demand (79% don't)

32% want higher taxes on petrol to reduce demand (67% don't)

86% want the government to regulate or encourage development of cars that use less petrol.

78% want the government to regulate or encourage development of appliances that use less electricity.

88% want the government to regulate or encourage ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.

59% of respondents think the Democrats are best suited to handling global warming issues.

19% of respondents think George W. Bush is best suited to handling global warming issues.

58% of respondents are concerned about sea-level rises as a result of global warming.


  1. Dude, sometimes I read your comments and your postings and i think this guy must be a real idiot. But you claim to be a christian so I will give you credit for that. You claim to be an intellectual so how come you have been bamboozled by liberalism?
    Don't you know the way to Hell is paved by good intentions?
