
Other bits for the day

* Kuiper Belt Collision? Two planetoids collided apparently
* Yellowstone Supervolcano update. The ground rose several inches.
* Don't Google "How to commit Murder" before you kill someone. Google helps a murder trial.
* US Producer prices up. Maybe a portent of increased interest rates?
* Another reason why Zimbabwe should be stripped of Test cricket status. They ties with Ireland.
* Roger Daltrey has Bronchitis. All hope lies with him and none with me.
* Hillary Clinton tries to woo voters by rescinding her decision to run for president. Good news!
* On this day in 1877 a group of people got together in Melbourne for some reason.
* Happy birthday to Jimmy Swaggert, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Alan Bean, the 4th man on the moon, and Jennifer 8 Lee.

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