
Little Girl?

My weather predictions in the past have been woefully wrong. I had mistakenly assumed that the best indicator was the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) index.

Since then I have discovered the sea temperature chart provided by the NOAA, which I supply for you as follows:


You can see PNG there on the left, which shows that the chart is actually a map showing sea temperatures. On the top is what the temperatures actually are, while the bottom shows the long-term anomalies.

When El-Nino conditions prevail, the sea temperature in the Eastern Pacific is above average. When La-Nina conditions prevail, the sea temperature in the Eastern Pacific is below average.

As you can see from the bottom diagram, a pool of cold water is developing in the Eastern pacific. This is a very strong La Nina indicator, which means that Eastern Australia will be going through a wet period in the next few months. I think the drought will break. Joy!

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