
Griffith Bound

I can now reveal to you all some of the events that have been bothering me and the family for a while - I have accepted a job offer to teach at Griffith High School. This is only a temporary position that will last until the end of the year, but there is a decent chance that I may be able to find some more permanent work at the same school over the long term.

I will begin teaching on July 31st - day 1 at the High School. The family will remain behind in Newcastle for most of third term and then will move in with me during the holidays between terms 3 and 4 (October 1-15).

The reason for Anna and the kids to stay behind is pragmatic - Anna has a two-day per week position at Centrelink where she works as a Social Worker. For her to leave her job straight away and for all of us to travel to Griffith without the promise of full-time employment (or even accomodation) is too risky. But it also means that we'll be apart for a long period, which sucks.

I've contacted a church in Griffith that looked good and discovered that I was at Bible College with the pastor's wife back in the early nineties. She then informed me that a married couple, graduates of the college, have been attending the church for a few years, which means that three people I went to Bible College with are at the church.

All this is huge. I have given both the pastor and my future head teacher at the High School this blogsite address so they can see pictures of me and read my FAQ to find out more about me. Hello to both of you.

There's a number of friends I haven't spoken to directly about this yet so sorry but things have been a bit hectic.

There are other major issues that still bother us - but these shall be revealed presently. In the meantime thanks for your prayers.


  1. Neil, congratulations on the new job! I pray that God will bless you richly in this new venture.

  2. Congrats!

    I hope everything works out well for you and your family.
