
Dubya gets T-boned

T-Bone Burnett is the husband of Christian/secular singer Leslie/Sam Phillips. He was the music producer for such films as O Brother Where Art Thou? and a multitude of other critically acclaimed films. He is a friend of Bob Dylan and has toured with him. He is also a Christian, and is one of those rare breed of believer who has the respect of the secular word for his skill.

Burnett has just released a new album called The True False Identity. A new album from Burnett is a big thing - his last was in 1992.

On the album he has a song called "Palestine Texas", which has the following, provocative lyrics:

Presidents come and presidents go
They rise like smoke they fall like snow
Do you believe the things you say
Your lofty thoughts are filled with hay
What is this faith that you profess
That led to this colossal mess
When you awaken from this coma
You'll find you were in Oklahoma
When you crawl out of this self delusion
You're going to need a soul transfusion

This version of the world will not be here long
It is already gone It is already gone
This version of the world will not be here long
It is already gone It is already gone

I guess T-Bone ain't impressed with someone. The "Soul Transfusion" bit is interesting though...

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