
Doonesbury rocks

Being the scum sucking liberal atheist that I am, I find Doonesbury to be occasionally entertaining and informative. In the last two weeks, though, it has been gold.

The story in the last two weeks has been about B.D., a middle-aged character from the comic strip who decided to join the Marines and got shipped off to Iraq. There he was badly injured during a firefight in Fallujah and lost his leg. He has been back for about 12 months now, but in the recent strips he has been undergoing counselling from a guy at Veteran's Affairs who has been delving into what has been bothering B.D., who has been suffering from PTSD and alcoholism since returning.

Anyway, read the following strips in sequence. The final one is from today:

Strip #1
Strip #2
Strip #3
Strip #4
Strip #5
Strip #6
Strip #7
Strip #8
Strip #9
Strip #10