
Thinking Points 3

  • Just when is it right to state that there is a Civil War in Iraq? Democrat Senator John Murtha thinks so, but all the reports you see in the media are about how "Iraq is on the edge of Civil War". I can just imagine 6 months from now a report that says "One thousand Iraqis are dying every day now as a direct result of the violence that has put Iraq on the brink of civil war". Fox News, God bless them, now wonders whether the "Civil war" is just a media construct.
  • Another example, if one is needed, of an American worker who is enslaved to her job, but lives in poverty. Thanks to Atrios for this one.
  • Garrison Keillor, the guy who does Prairie Home Companion (a favourite radio show my dad has loved for years), is calling for Bush to be Impeached. Who's next? Martha Stewart? Oprah? What about Super Hubert?
  • Ex-tropical cyclone Emma has sped down the west coast of Australia and is in the process of meeting a polar low to Australia's south. I'm looking forward to what sort of strange weather this will cause.
  • John Kerry has actually written some more on his DailyKos Diary. If the guy is going to win over annoyed lefties, regular contributions are necessary.
  • Bill O'Reilly - the American Right Winger, not the Australian Leg Spinner - is suffering from low ratings. Reminds me of Hamartia and Hubris.
  • Tom Tomorrow drew this cartoon just prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Prescient!
  • The Heretic, an Iraq war veteran, has just written a piece about how the war has affected him as a human being. Man am I glad I never went to war.
  • The WaPo is now saying that the Republican Party is in serious trouble because of the storm of bad news about Iraq, Katrina, the Port deal, Abramoff and so on. Another Cassandra moment for me as I pointed this out in December.
  • Duke Cunningham, the Republican from California, is going down big time. Why are there so many American Born-again Christian Republican PoliticiansTM getting done in for corruption? Obviously they didn't know about Hansie Cronje. I mean, I remember hearing about Charles Colson (he of Watergate and Land Letter infame) whose downfall and imprisonment led him to Christ, but what's Randy Cunningham going to do when he ends up in prison? Embrace atheism?
  • Some Indians are not happy with President Bush.
  • Despite giving up full-time blogging and letting certain riff-raff in to run the Pryromaniacs blog (hint - Roman general), Phil Johnson has written a great piece eviscerating American evangelicalism. I've personaly contacted Phil for advice in the past and he has always been respectful and knowledgeable.
  • James Spurgeon has a great post about how personal responsibility before God is important - even if you've been badly hurt by other Christians or Christian organisations. Good to read - especially for someone like me!
  • Michael Spencer's latest article certainly tickles my ears - it's basically a criticism of Ken Hamm and his Answers in Genesis ministry. As I have stated in my FAQ, although I believe in a 6-day creation I do not support the "Young Earth Creationist" theory. Moreover, I concur with Michael that Hamm's ministry seems to be taking evangelicals in the wrong direction. I have to say at this point that in 1992 I studied at Bible College with Ken's brother, Rob Hamm. Sadly, Rob died of some weird illness a few years ago, but I do remember him telling me that preaching through the book of Romans led him to a much deeper understanding of the Gospel, which was nice.
  • Michael Spencer, posting at the BHT, has given a rather disturbing link to a news article about Jerry Falwell and other evangelicals now believe that Jews can enter heaven without Christ. The article was published in the Jerusalem Post. If true, it's an amazing admission, since Falwell is essentially denying the gospel for the sake of politics and pre-mil eschatology. Fortunately, my best pal Al Mohler has posted on the subject where he includes a formal statement from Falwell denying this heresy and re-stating his orthodox belief of salvation by Christ alone. Who would have thought Al Mohler could come in handy?
  • Elizaphanian gives an interesting link to a discussion about a New York Times article that states that Peak Oil is "almost certainly correct".
  • Wasserman's latest is funny.
  • Robert J. Samuelson at the WaPo makes some accurate points about the future of the American economy - specifically a reduction in consumer spending.
  • Mark Galante has been accused of murdering his pregnant wife. At the time I remember saying to myself - I wonder if he did it?
  • Jessica Alba is angry. After her performance in Fantastic Four, I would be too.
  • Wikipedia hits the million mark! I remember feeling giddy when the 200k mark got broken. The millonth article is here.
  • NSW is the richest (real) state in Australia. Yet every so often a bunch of whingers complain that NSW subsidises other states in Australia because of its higher tax revenue. The fact that some of these complaints come from members of the Labor party speaks volumes about why I don't vote for them any more. I'm happy that NSW (the state I live in) can make the lives of other Australians better off.
  • Psycho Path?
  • Buy Australian wine. I've even seen A$5 bottles - good to keep in storage for 5-6 years.
  • Classic Onion here, here, here and here.
  • Happy Birthday Concorde.
  • Believe it or not, when this reverses itself, so will this. Carnage carnage carnage but no one will listen.
  • Those Godless Liberal Pro-science Darwinist AtheistsTM are still trying to peddle their lies.
  • A book to read before you die.
  • British Blacks are doing better at school.
  • Anniversary of the first Comintern, 1919.
  • This day in 1963 saw the Beatles release their first album. I just bought it a month ago. I Saw Her Standing There is the best track, and probably the first Beatles song many people heard.
  • Theodor Geisel was born, oh 'twas a happy morn.
  • Mister Perestroika was born in 1931. Thank him, not Ron.
  • In 1942, you Walk on the Wild Side.
  • John Wesley finally accepted Predestination on this day back in 1791.

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