
Thinking Points

  • The News Blog reports on a DailyKos diary where a person asserts that American troops in Iraq don't have clean drinking water. An email from a US Soldier (probably a Marine) seems to indicate this. Part of me worries that this might be a crock.
  • Riverbend is finding life in Baghdad increasingly scary - and this from a person who managed to live through the American bombing in 2003.
  • Michael Spencer, the Internet Monk, has an interesting article about Paul and whether we should listen to such a cranky, old and ignorant person.
  • Tom Hinkle gets even angrier at George Bush, if that were possible.
  • Interesting postings on Prophecy continuation at Kiwiandanemu. It's a pity that a lengthy comment to this article that I wrote got lost somehow.
  • Shyborg, a 22 year old young single Christian woman from Australia, continues to attract unavailable Christian men to her various websites.
  • Tom Ascol continues to prove that he's everything that FIDE-O tries to be, without all the problems.
  • George Michael is arrested for drug possession. Think of all the young people who will model his actions because he is a famous star. *yawn*
  • Glenn McGrath will miss the Australia - South Africa Test series. Bring on Bracken.
  • England's Ashes-winning side is in total disarray. Michael Vaughan, Simon Jones, Marcus Thescothick and Ashley Giles have all gone home from India. Freddie Flintoff will be captain.
  • Neil Foster's account of his trip to India in 1984-85 seems interesting.
  • Was the Da Vinci Code plagiarised? Hopefully it was.
  • Six new ways to inflict pain on yourself.
  • This is interesting - apparently the "little ice age" that gripped the world in the 14th century may have been due to a dip in CO2 levels. What caused this dip? The growth of trees and forests on land formerly used for farms - farms that were no longer needed after millions had died during the black death in Europe. At least there is one solution available to us to counter global warming. I wonder if this thesis could also back the fact that the world was in a minor "cooling" phase in the thirty years from 1945 to 1975 - the period directly following the deaths of millions in the second world war? The black death, though, did not contribute to the Maunder Minimum.
  • 31 years ago today was the Moorgate Tube Crash, which killed 43 people. They still don't know why it happened.
  • Pretty Astronomy Pictures here and here.
  • Turkey is getting a new national flag.
  • America's best Winter Olympics in 54 years continues to make Americans unhappy. (New York Times: registration required)

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