
Meme of Four

Thanks to Maxspeak for this one. Pass the meme on...

Four Jobs you've had:
1. High School Teacher
2. Security Guard
3. Purchasing Officer
4. Console Operator

Four Movies you could watch over and over:
1. Brazil
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Apocalypse Now
4. Dead Man

Four places you've lived:
1. Cheltenham, NSW
2. Carlingford, NSW
3. Croydon, NSW
4. Waratah, NSW

Four TV Shows you love to watch:
1. Millennium
2. The Simpsons
3. The Young Ones
4. Big Train

Four places you've been on vacation:
1. Cawdor, Scotland
2. Hollywood, California
3. Kangaroo Island, South Australia
4. Leeton, NSW

Four Blogs you visit daily:
1. Eschaton
2. One Veteran's Voice
3. The Texas Baptist Underground
4. Pyromaniac

Four of your favourite foods:
1. Thai Chicken Curry (Green/Red/Panang)
2. Spaghetti Bolognese
3. Butter Chicken
4. Laksa

Four Places you'd rather be:
1. King Island
2. Devonport
3. Kamchatka
4. Cobran Road, Cheltenham, NSW

Four albums you can't live without:
1. Ride - Going Blank Again
2. U2 - The Unforgettable Fire
3. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
4. Pixies - Doolittle

Four Vehicles you've owned:
1. Honda VT-250F
2. Suzuki Swift
3. Mitsubishi Lancer
4. A Chopper

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