
Antiwar, Before the War

To the Editor:

One reads the endless barrage of articles each day about the Iraq war with dismay.

I spoke at an antiwar rally in Vermont several months before the war, joining the consensus among peace activists everywhere that this war could never be "won" and that it would cost billions of dollars and thousands of lives. Worse, it would destabilize Iraq and stir anti-American sentiment around the world, making the West far less safe.

All of this was obvious to any casual observer. Only the experts in Washington knew better.

Let me say it once and for the millions around the world who marched against the war before it happened: We told you so.

Jay Parini
London, Nov. 21, 2005

1 comment:

  1. this war could never be "won"

    Which war? Against Saddam? It was won. Against terrorism? Well, maybe it can't be won - but we have to fight it. What is the option - convert to Islam?

    and that it would cost billions of dollars

    Oh, you peace-lovin' folks were the only ones who reckoned that it would cost billions, were you?

    and thousands of lives.

    It was a war - I think even the hawks thought there would be casualties...

    Worse, it would destabilize Iraq

    Yes, blood-thirsty dictators certainly bring stability. We need more of them!

    and stir anti-American sentiment around the world,

    It didn't need much stirring...

    making the West far less safe.

    Yeah, the world was pretty safe prior to Iraq. When did September 11 and the Bali Bombing happen again?
