
Postings I've noticed

Tim Challies is at the Desiring God Conference and is posting from there. I'm not a 100% fan of Tim, but he seems to say some good stuff.

Steve McCoy posts about alcohol again - a good move since his site has been the centre of the whole abstinence argument in recent weeks.

Musings is almost off my bookmark list, but the recent article about the film "Saved" has probably kept it there for another week.

Imonk writes an interesting piece about Christian kids wanting tattoos and body piercings.

The Boar's Head Tavern continues to argue about Baptism

Paul Whiting from NZ has written three very good posts. The first about Predestination, the second about going to a church that is supportive but not theologically correct, and the third about being single.

Pyromaniac has been sent all sorts of email bombs about his threats to lob a grenade at Osama if he had the chance. He has retreated for a week to do some important stuff.

Fide-o continues to occasionally bite off more than they can chew.

James Spurgeon never posts enough blogs, but when he does they are usually good. At his personal blog he reveals that a famous Baptist pastor from Texas was actually a Calvinist, while at the Texas Baptist Underground he gives the big hint that his former Fundy-Baptist church is in for some real legal trouble.

The younglings at Spunky Jr. and The Rebelution continue to give unquestioning and uncritical support to the Republican Party.

And Al Mohler thinks that Harriet Miers is a great choice for Supreme Court Judge. He is also shocked - shocked I tell you! - about an upcoming film which features two homosexuals.

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