
CNN "doctored" Ray Nagin transcript

Ray Nagin, the mayor of New Orleans, has blasted President Bush and the Federal Government for its lack of action regarding New Orleans. Naturally Nagin has been criticised by this attack, which occurred during an interview with Radio Station WWL.

Last night I listened to the entire interview, while this morning I read the transcript of the interview, which is available at CNN.

CNN, however, appear to have removed a very important part of Nagin's speech.

As I listened to Nagin, he complained that people from Plaqumines Parish had been air-lifted into New Orleans.

I've got 15,000 to 20,000 people over at the convention center. It's bursting at the seams. The poor people in Plaquemines Parish - they're air-vaccing people over here in New Orleans. We don't have anything, and we're sharing with our brothers in Plaquemines Parish.

The CNN transcript, however, says the following:

I've got 15,000 to 20,000 people over at the convention center. It's bursting at the seams. The poor people in Plaquemines Parish. ... We don't have anything, and we're sharing with our brothers in Plaquemines Parish.

CNN, for whatever reason, has removed the part of what Nagin said. Nagin clearly pointed out that people from Plaquemines parish were being air-vacced to New Orleans. Nagin is clearly frustrated with this, since he is intimating that someone, or some people, are incompetent.

And why would CNN remove such a statement? Later in the interview, Nagin mentions that "A small majority of the people" are those who are doing the looting and violence, whom he describes as "Knuckleheads". When read in context, it is obvious that Nagin meant to say "A small minority of the people", but obviously in his speech he said the wrong thing. CNN did not remove that part of the transcript.

Could it be that CNN has removed the statement from the transcript because they were pressured to do so by someone? Someone who might be afraid that the truth could be found out?

From the Department of Wha's happnin?

© 2005 Neil McKenzie Cameron, http://one-salient-oversight.blogspot.com/

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  1. It's possible the transcriber didn't understand what he said or what he meant.

    The phrase/word is air-evac. It's both a military and medical term.

    I do not think it's some "plot" by CNN to hide anything.

  2. Kitt,

    the media has been covering up and "editing" for the corrupt Bushevik administration since before the stolen 2000 election. On the track record of CNN attempting to become FAUX WHORE 2, I'd say the editing was deliberate.

  3. That's interesting, since the editing, if it took place, is designed to make the situation, and subsequently Bush, look bad.

    I can gauruntee you that your the only person in the known universe who thinks that any media manipulations on CNN's part are designed to cover-up for the president in any way.

    But thanks for throwing the old "stolen election" line out. There's no reason not to use that in any conversation, right?

  4. Sir, I read what you commented about on challies.com and I have to say that it's awful nice of you to comment on local politics here in the States. You have no idea what's going on here or the history of the region or how our government works. The quotes you listed showed his typical "blame others" mindset and until you commented I thought you were agreeing with Tim's assessment. Ray Nagin is an empty suit with no leadership capabilities in a corrupt political system unrivaled in so-called western civilisation. We'd thank you to keep your ignorance to yourself.

    I write to you as a brother in Christ fully expecting better of you.
